Hey there! I’m Andrii Domasov, a passionate and ambitious software developer, residing in Sibiu, Romania, but originating from Odesa, Ukraine.

I am keen to expand my knowledge and experience, so I’d be glad to collaborate on some modern cutting-edge project, which would probably shape the future. But well-paid and established projects are also considered.

As an employee I take my job responsively and seriously while being social and communicative in the team. Always reliable and open-minded, I learn fast and use my knowledge wisely. In simple words, this piece of hardware comes with soft skills pre-installed.

Current Work

I'm currently working at CompatibL as a Senior Python Developer.


Python Software Developer —

(2021-2024, KYIV / REMOTE)

At I've collaborated with companies in areas such as Finance, Hospitality, Insurance, Healthcare, and Manufacturing. Designed and developed multiple integrations with such products as Collibra, Cortex XSOAR, OneTrust, Microsoft Information Protection etc. My specialties include the analysis of the currently used customers' data infrastructure, designing & implementing the integrations, as well as maintaining the previously released ones in order to keep the functionality at its best.

.NET Software Developer — Phaethon International Co Ltd

(2016-2021, ODESA)

Was deeply involved in AxCgo project: in-house desktop application for automation, security and accounting. Designed and developed such projects as emails decomposer (utility app which saves all of incoming email messages in plain text form onto the archive SQL server); trades depository (database backed solution, which handles all derivatives related trades and gives a trader handy instrument for reporting, accounting, management and export of derivatives trades); implied FFA algorithm (calculation based upon regression analysis aimed for predicting changes on FFA market basis historical data and other available futures) etc. Mostly used C#.NET Framework and Microsoft SQL Server, but some lesser projects also involved Python (both Django-based and a 'clean' one), some front-end (HTML/CSS + JavaScript) and Swift.

Educational Mentor (Python Course) — Hillel IT School

(2021-2023, CONTRACT)

As an educational mentor, my main responsibilities are to assist teacher and ensure that learning process is running smoothly. This includes such activities as consulting students, offering additional lectures to cover some points that remain out of scope of main program, assisting in homeworks grading, setting up practice classes, explaining concepts and features that were proven to be difficult to the students etc.

Chartering Manager — Kaalbye Shipping Ukraine

(2012-2016, ODESA)

My main responsibility was to negotiate and fix the terms of company's cargo vessels employment with wide chain of foreign counterparts as well as keeping track of all company's vessels movements and reporting same to involved parties. Along with that I was also assigned to handle legal cases through company's solicitors in London,UK.

Shipping Agent — Novik LLC

(2009-2012, ODESA)

Main scope of responsibilities here involved protecting principal's interests during vessel's port call as well as arranging everything required by the vessel, shipowner or crew. Daily duties also included regular updates on vessel's prospects in port and swift reaction to ever-changing situation during port stay.

Technical Skills



GitHub: @andriidomasov

LinkedIn: in/andrii-domasov


When I'm not coding, you can find me exploring the mountains of Transylvania, reading science fiction, or experimenting with photography. I'm also passionate about cooking and literature.